This was quite an exciting week. Let's start with the super bowl. Although my Eagles didn't make it, the game itself was awesome. That catch was certainly one for the ages. I enjoyed the game at my friend Kevin's condo, where his roomate has a 60" HD tv. Wow. I like to call that TV "Therapy for men." Lots of friends from church were there and much food to be shared.
As for the commercials, they were funny like usual, but a few got me really excited. First, the Audi commercial with everyone's favorite action star, Jason Statham. Second, the fact that there is a new GI Joe, Transformers, and Fast and the Furious IV coming out this year was enough to shoot me out of my seat in pure excitement. You must forgive me for my excessive use of the word "excited", but if you know me at all, I am not proficient at communicating myself using the English language.
Many media items have also made this week particularly fun. There was Bruce Springsteen's slide across the stage during halftime where his crotch ran into the camera. As if that wasn't enough to make me laugh, there was Christian Bale's freakout. To top it all off, Katie Couric made the brave decision to interview Lil' Wayne. Much laughter was shared by me. Also, you should watch the trailer for the movie
Chocolate, where an autistic child sees her parents murdered and realizes her ability to be really sweet at martial arts. If all of this hasn't gotten you laughing yet, there is the
video of a child who is loopy after a dentist appt.
If you are still reading this, you probably want to know how my life is going. I have told you about work, and that I live in Portsmouth, so let me fill in some more details. I was playing in an ice hockey league, but we didn't make the playoffs so I will have to wait until March to begin the next season. I play with a bunch of fogies whose favorite pastimes include playing hockey and then talking about their wives in the locker room after the game over a case of beer. A classy group of gentlemen indeed. I'm not very good, but I have a blast playing and it is good to meet people I normally would never see.
Earlier, I mentioned church friends. I am currently attending Trinity Presbyterian Church in Norfolk. I church shopped for a few months before settling at Trinity back in the fall. I think choosing a church is very important for a recent graduate who is looking to pursue the Lord. Trinity does a great job of not only presenting the gospel each week in a clear manner, but also has solid community groups and helps people in Norfolk who are either struggling financially or don't have the same oppurtunities so many of us take for granted daily. Trinity also supports missionaries in the US and abroad, reflecting Acts 1:8.
There are several things I have learned this week while on my new boat. First is boat smell. This should have dawned on me 2 months ago, but the combined BO of 50 men contained in a small volume is aweful. I have now placed clothes aside just for work and wash them weekly. Second, there are some crazy,freaky people on subs. One guy who my coworker Mitch and I have nicknamed, "Knife" likes to play with his knife. This includes while walking on stairs. That's not safe. He also threatens people with his knife. A very creepy man. Then there is "PMF", or Portly Mustache Face, a large man with a larger stache. He is always telling me I'm in the way and I need to move. There is also "excited about strippers guy", my supervisor who sweats and curses alot, and chuckles. Chuckles laughs all the time. If you need to feel better about your coworkers, call me and I'll tell you a story or two.
I'm sorry this was long. I hope you are content in life but not complacent.