I'm sure these are all questions you have been pondering since my Oct. 23 post. I am also sure they are keeping you up at night. Fear not, ye faithful bored internet users. I have been busy. That sounds like a copout, but seriously I'm not sure I've ever been as busy in my whole life as I have the past few weeks. I will provide a general list and discuss each in detail below. I went to the last wedding (#8) of this calendar year. I have an awesome new girlfriend. I studied for and took my big 7.5 hour exam at work. I underwent eye surgery this past Thursday. Now I am preparing for my next 7.5 hour exam, held on December 16.
Now to each of the aforeme
ntioned. First, wedding #8. I was priveledged enough to drive through the area northeast of Charlottesville. Now you probably know how I feel about Charlottesville, but the surrounding area, especially in fall, is absolutely gorgeous. Words can't describe the bounty of color found on all those trees. Gabby and I had a ball dancing through the wooded glens and spacious valleys. Oh yeah, the wedding. My friend from church, Stacy, got married in Madison County and the reception was at Grave's Mountain Lodge. GML holds a dear place in my heart because it is where we had football camp in high school. I remember 3-a-days in 100 degree heat. Fortunately, this was a nice reception in 50 degree chilly fall weather. Perfect. Although the bride is a wahoo, the groom is guiding her in the right direction as he is a Hokie.
Third, I put in long hours and weekends into studying for the test that determines whether I can do the job I am being payed for or not. Long, boring, exhaustive story short, I studied and passed. Praise the Lord for that. I give absolutely no credit to myself for that acoomplishment. Thank you so much to all out there who prayed for me. God certainly listened and mercifully gave me discipline and a good memory.
Lastly, I had eye surgery Thursday. I used to wear contacts, but they began to give my eyes severe infections so I had to decide between glasses or surgery. I wore glasses for awhile but watersports and hockey deemed glasses a poor choice. So I underwent PRK surgery to solve my poor genetics. As of today, I can see! I can play hockey without readjusting my glasses every time I get pummeled. I drove to church today and was able to read the program, which was a huge blessing. Now I can work hard to pass my next work exam on December 16th. I covet your prayers for that, too.
Now you can see why I have been so busy over the past month. I leave you with more fall driving pictures.