Friday, October 28, 2011


Here I sit in Houston. One of Hannah's bridesmaids is getting married today. That means I have some time to kill in a city I know little about. So while Hannah does whatever women do prior to a wedding, I have been busy scouring this town for a little while. So thanks to the internet, I found some sweet things to do. I visited a predominately Mexican farmer's market, a few art galleries in a cool little neighborhood, and I'm about to take a brewery tour. Enjoy the pictures. I look forward to having fajitas and cake tonight at this wedding. And don't worry, I'll report on the cake.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Back in the groove

So September was crazy busy. I got married, went on a honeymoon to amazing Italy, got transferred at work, started up Homework Club for this year, I'm discipling 3 guys, joined a new hockey league, and spending time with Hannah. Life seems crazy at the moment. I love all these things, a ton. But life is busy. I apologize for the lack of pictures celebrating the above. Hannah reminded me that I haven't even posted engagement photos to facebook. That's not cool. You the reader deserve better. And better you will get. Soon. I hope.

I am certain that Italy can't be adequately put into words. I know I say that alot, but I really love that country. Mountains, beaches, villas, vineyards, farmland, food, sunsets, etc. take your breath away almost constantly. The quick story of the honeymoon was Positano, Capri, Bologna, Rome. Each were great, and I could write many stories of cool aspects of each. I will wait until I have my pictures together to capture that.

So I get back from Italy and I forgot how fast Hampton Roads can jolt you back to reality. Upon our return, Hannah's front driver's side tire went flat. I fix the tire and prepare to drive away and the car won't start. Come to find out the previous owner put a smaller than required battery in the car. Not cool. The battery was dead. Now I know that wasn't Hampton Roads' fault, it just seems that bad things happen here logistically. Often. I get back to work the next day and am told that I will be working up at the naval base, as opposed to the shipyard. So I am working with a few other shipyard guys doing small jobs on subs that don't require a shipyard to do them. It's both challenging and educational so I enjoy it, but overtime has kept me from doing things like blogging. And on that note, it's back to work.