I had to be back in Norfolk Sunday morning for church, which meant a 3 hour drive at 6 am. If you ever have the chance to do that, just pass on it. After church I went to Busch Gardens for the Howl-o-Scream festivities. There were several haunted/scary/spooky type of buildings where you walk through them and people try to scare you. It was quite fun getting scared and laughing when other people got scared. The 2 best things at Busch Gardens were the real-life Joe Dirt, complete with ridiculous mullet and goatee, and the only woman I've ever seen with the mullet.
Last night, I watched Jim and Pam from The Office get married. Watching a wedding from the comfort of my couch is the way to go.
This weekend, my friends Jake and Amanda get married. I'm super excited. I have the honor of being a groomsman which means I get first crack at the reception buffet table. Sweet. I honed my dancing skills this week by helping out at homework club both Monday and Tuesday. I taught the kids how to do the Sprinkler, the Lawnmower, and the Shopping Cart. In return, I learned the Jerk. It is essentially like skipping, except you skip backwards and don't actually go anywhere. It requires rhythm, of which I have little. Hopefully I can overcome my bland ways this weekend and tear up some dance floor.
I think that all of the Robinson siblings were forgotten when God was handing out rhythm! Love, Bam