Friday, December 11, 2009

Thanksgiving part 2

I feel like I should include a little more Thanksgiving related items on here. I guess a Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without a thorough discussion of what I'm thankful for. I could talk about lots of really obvious and really cheesy things I could talk about, but I'm not going to do that. Besides the family, friends, job, church, etc., I'm thankful for a God who loves me. He loves me despite my comprehensive doubt, fear, insecurity, jealousy, rebeliousness, judgementalism, hypocrisy, idolatry, selfishness, and tendency to treat others like crap. That completely amazes me.

Also over Thanksgiving, I ended my 11 year deer drought. I have finally cured buck fever. Dad and I went hunting Thanksgiving morning, had some great conversation, scared off a turkey, and shot a deer. The best part is I didn't have a heart attack hauling this thing up the hill. I will be taking a hiking trip a few days after Christmas, so jerky all around! One more Thanksgiving story. One of my roomates from college, Steve, got married. Here he is with his wonderful bride, Theresa. It was a great wedding, so many people were there who I don't get to see regularly. It has been a treat to watch 6 of my friends get married this year. I can say with complete confidence and joy that all of these relationships were ordained before time and I can see the Lord's hand in it all.

By the way, I just watched Transformers 2. Totally awesome. A word of advice: don't fall in love with fictional characters. Low chance of success.


  1. I like 'er. how about Jessica? like the redhead on roger rabbit...

  2. also, you could have a theme song. "Jessica" by the Allman Brothers
