Friday, October 28, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Back in the groove
I am certain that Italy can't be adequately put into words. I know I say that alot, but I really love that country. Mountains, beaches, villas, vineyards, farmland, food, sunsets, etc. take your breath away almost constantly. The quick story of the honeymoon was Positano, Capri, Bologna, Rome. Each were great, and I could write many stories of cool aspects of each. I will wait until I have my pictures together to capture that.
So I get back from Italy and I forgot how fast Hampton Roads can jolt you back to reality. Upon our return, Hannah's front driver's side tire went flat. I fix the tire and prepare to drive away and the car won't start. Come to find out the previous owner put a smaller than required battery in the car. Not cool. The battery was dead. Now I know that wasn't Hampton Roads' fault, it just seems that bad things happen here logistically. Often. I get back to work the next day and am told that I will be working up at the naval base, as opposed to the shipyard. So I am working with a few other shipyard guys doing small jobs on subs that don't require a shipyard to do them. It's both challenging and educational so I enjoy it, but overtime has kept me from doing things like blogging. And on that note, it's back to work.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Proof the world is about to end

So I know you're jonesin' for the details on this book. Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson. Hannah's dad got it for me for Christmas. Mark is a pastor up in DC. A tough job, I'm sure. I'm not strong enough to do that, but I really liked this book. A great book for Christian men, encouraging them that God didn't design us to be comfortable or to live a life of ease. Rather, to be vulnerable, put yourself out there and to pursue dreams, and all the while have the faith that God will direct you. This is true both in the physical and relational aspects. This is not to say that whatever you pursue, God will grant success in that. But the idea is that the Holy Spirit is a Wild Goose that is worthy of pursuit. Elusive, mysterious, and unpredictable, the Holy Spirit has an element of danger and God wants us to have an adventure. Batterson encourages us to leave the cage of assumptions, routine, fear, guilt and failure and follow the Goose. I understand that the term wild goose chase may seem cheesy, and perhaps it is. But Batterson cites the old Celtic Christians for coming up with the term, and it certainly has some merit. I don't know what God has for me today, tomorrow, or a year from now. But what I do know is this: pursuing God is not about playing defense and trying to avoid losing what you have (relationships, money, career, etc.) but going on the offensive and worrying more about missed oppurtunities than making mistakes. In America, it is so easy and tempting to be a sideline Christian where the mantra goes something like, "I go to church, I do this and that. That makes me a Christian." But the early church didn't operate like that. It was dangerous to be a Christian. In many areas of the world that is still true. What God wants is your heart, not your usefullness. God doesn't need you and that mental model undermines God's sovereignty. Ok I've written too much about a book. Go read it.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Every day's an adventure
There must be a bad moon risin because tomorrow night Ms. Irene is supposed to visit Norfolk. Fortunately, I am not afraid. I have a parking garage for my car (RIP Guinevere), I don't live in a category 1 storm surge area (10 ft higher in a category 2), all outdoor plants and things will be or have been moved inside to prevent them from taking flight, all wedding paraphanalia are safe, and batteries/water/nonperishable food have been purchased. I am hurricane ready. So don't worry about me. I leave you with this:
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Back at it
Two old mustangs convoying together. Awesome.
Memorial Day Whoppa Reunion skeet shoot.
Hannah participated, and even bagged a clay pigeon!
I even visited my metropolitan nemisis: DC.
Floyd County Beer and Wine Festival. Man I love mountains.
Friday, June 10, 2011
It's been a long time coming
Hannah's blog: smallbutvaluable.wordpress.com
The old people's Willard house blog: willardhouse.wordpress.com
The new people's Willard house blog: willardhouse.blogspot.com
My friend Ryan's blog: backinblacksburg.blogspot.com
The whoppahead blog: whoppaheads.blogspot.com
My friend Johanna's blog: my-end-of-the-bargain.blogspot.com
Amanda's blog: amccrowell.blogspot.com
My friend Doug who is hiking the AT: theroadgoeseveronandon-dmc.blogspot.com
Other ones I read are for laughter:
Second, I have seen two cars around the 757 that bear mentioning. Now I'm not talking about the Ford GT that I saw yesterday or the occasional Ferrari, although those 2 options make me excited. Lots of cars around here are sitting on 24" or 26" rims and look hideous. Not those either. I'm talking about custom paint jobs. First, is the Energizer bunny car. It's a Dodge Charger with a black background. All over it is the Energizer Bunny, various batteries, and excessive logos. You'd think that its owner works for Energizer but not true. Second, is my favorite, the Cinnamon Toast Crunch car. It literally looks like a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. This Ford Expedition has everything: Elves, logos, even bar codes. This guy went to the trouble to paint a legitimate bar code on the back of his vehicle. I wish the internet had a picture of this guy's car. It's awesome.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Best day ever
Stop rolling those eyes. I know what you're thinking, "Scott, that's bull. You work for the government and are still in training. There is nothing you could be doing that would prevent you from blogging." That's partially true. I have a backlog of things I want to blog about but this is time relevant. I promise in a more reasonable period of time you will read about mundane things like which blogs I read and funny things I notice in the 757.
Now you are thinking, "So what could possibly be your awful excuse?" I've been planning. If you know me at all, you know that I am not a planner. I'm awful at it. I'm never on time for anything, I'm not good at ironing out all of the details, and I only go over things once which causes me to miss stuff. I'm assuming by now you have rolled your eyes a few more times thinking, "What did Scott plan and how did it go wrong?" I decided awhile back that I wanted to ask my girlfriend, Hannah, to marry me. We have known each other for 2 years and dated for 7 months and she is the coolest girl on the planet. I will not blog any more about why I made this decision. You can simply ask me. Important life details such as this require a more personal conversation, not you reading a blog while drugged up on coffee at 9 am in front of your coworkers.*
After some pondering, I came up with a rough plan: hike and then go eat. Pure genius I know. So refining that plan meant hiking Tinker's Cliffs, a hike we had talked about, and eating at a restaurant nearby called The Homeplace. I asked a buddy of mine what he thought of that plan and he said, "Scott, that's an awesome plan, but you aren't marrying me. You're marrying Hannah." Mmmm, good point. So I thought some more, talked to her friends and made sure that my idea would be something that would honor her and make her feel loved.
So I used the smokescreen of her birthday and a belated Mother's Day celebration to convince her to go to Blacksburg. The "plan" was to go home and celebrate my sister and my mom (both moms) and then hike on Sunday on the way back to the 757. I had my sister call me on our way and say that she would be late to Blacksburg, which meant we had time to hike that day. After some tasty Bojangles, the hike commenced. It was perfect weather. The weatherman the whole week had predicted 70% chance of rain. Thank God (seriously)that the rain held off. About 1/4 mile from the top, I had my sherpa attach pictures of Hannah and I from different points in our relationship to trees. A letter towards the end and me asking a specific question at the top, and we were joyfully moving down the mountain and eating delicious family style food at The Homeplace. This is a brief synopsis and a better story can be read at Hannah's blog, one of the ones I read. Or you could ask me. Pictures will come later, I haven't gotten them yet.
*Also, I don't know who I'm supposed to tell about these things. If this is news to you, I'm sorry. The internet is such an impersonal place to learn of such great news. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Fast lane
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The last bit of winter
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Life Goes By Too Fast

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Born country
Now I will veer into the past for something not quite as manly: weddings. Wedding season got a very early start this year. Wedding #1 was a friend of Hannah's and allowed me to cross another state off my list: Texas. It isn't my goal to visit all of the states in the US, but it is fun to go to a new one. My picture of Texas was what I've seen in No Country For Old Men. In fact, I was in eastern Texas which is more like the piedmont region of VA. It has gently rolling hills with large amounts of Loblolly Pine and a more mild climate. I enjoyed this wedding because before going, I new exactly 2 people: Hannah and the bride. That means I can do what I want and nobody will notice or care. That means I observed people the whole weekend. I learned alot about Texas.
Here is a quick list of things I find interesting about Texas:
- In every men's bathroom, there are signs telling you not to drink if you are pregnant so your fetus doesn't have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome at birth. I'm not making light of that condition, it's serious. But in the men's bathroom? That seems odd.
- Everywhere you look, there are taco joints. If you are in need of a taco, throw a stone and you are likely to find a taco place.
- Being a redneck seems to take a little more effort than I'm used to. I wear my flannel, enjoy country music, hunt, want to live in the woods and have a dog, etc. Every Texas redneck seems to wear expensive cowboy boots, real tight jeans, a cowboy hat, and of course, a beltbuckle. Now I like all those things, I just don't want to spend lots of dough on pants that make me uncomfortable. I'm not sure my frugal nature would survive there.
- Many farmers have horses. I know a little about farming and I don't know how raising horses works. Let me explain. Raise cattle, sell cattle for beef or milk cows for milk. Raise hogs, make awesome things like bacon, sausage, or ham and profit. Plant corn, sell corn. So with horses, you raise them and ...? After some thought I figured it out. Horses are like boats. A big money pit that are fun to ride around on.
- Texas has a higher percentage of dudes with awesome facial hair.
- There is road construction everywhere, like PA.
- There was some dude who literally videotaped the entire weekend. I'm pretty sure that he videotaped his trips to the bathroom as well as his sleeping time. It was weird.
It was a great weekend. As for the wedding itself, a great ceremony and homemade 24 hour smoked pork and the best brisket I've ever had at the reception. Scott approved.
This is a long post. I will save Nashville for next time.
Monday, January 31, 2011
To the hills, part 2
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
To the hills, part 1
The weekend after shooting stuff was man weekend #2. A buddy of mine from college has a family house on the river in the Northern Neck of VA. So from time to time we have reunions up there. This was one of those weekends. It was the first of a few snowy weekends in the 757 and the river was frozen over. I'm dumb and didn't take any pictures. Sorry. We did what men do: ate too much, watched The Other Guys, and caught up on life. I don't get to see those guys very often, so this was a treat.
Next was Christmas. Again, Hannah decided to join me for another trip to Blacksburg, which was great. She learned about how my family does Christmas presents in a nice, orderly fashion as opposed to the normal free-for-all and how awesome Blacksburg is when it snows. Well, almost. Dad called me up a few days before break and told me the starter on Big Red was busted and that I would replace that over break. I tried and failed and therefore missed out on doing donuts in every snowy parking lot in Blacksburg. But what I did do was skate on natural pond (one of my favorite activites), ate some of Mom's best home-cookin, kicked everyone's butt in a snowball fight, played with my niece and nephew, and caught up with some friends I don't see enough, as shown above.
So I remember Christmas being amazing, but since I've waited so long to talk with you about it, I've forgotten things. If I saw you over Christmas and we did something cool together, please comment about it instead of being angry with me. That would remind me of why it was great instead of laying a large guilt trip.
Enjoy the video. I hope you like meat: