I know that's an Usher quote, but the title fits, so I'm going with it. This will highlight 2 things I have been meaning to mention for quite sometime, but have been too busy and lazy to do it. First, as a reader of this blog, I know you're asking yourself, "What blogs does Scott read?" I'm sure there are other questions raised while reading this blog such as, "Why does Scott write like a 3rd grader?" "Why am I not doing something productive?" "Why is Scott wearing jorts on the left side of this webpage?" or "Why does he post over awkwardly long time periods, I'm always on the brink of not following this blog anymore?" I probably should read more blogs about deeper life issues/current events/academic things. But here are some blogs I read:
Hannah's blog: smallbutvaluable.wordpress.com
The old people's Willard house blog: willardhouse.wordpress.com
The new people's Willard house blog: willardhouse.blogspot.com
My friend Ryan's blog: backinblacksburg.blogspot.com
The whoppahead blog: whoppaheads.blogspot.com
My friend Johanna's blog: my-end-of-the-bargain.blogspot.com
Amanda's blog: amccrowell.blogspot.com
My friend Doug who is hiking the AT: theroadgoeseveronandon-dmc.blogspot.com
Other ones I read are for laughter:
Second, I have seen two cars around the 757 that bear mentioning. Now I'm not talking about the Ford GT that I saw yesterday or the occasional Ferrari, although those 2 options make me excited. Lots of cars around here are sitting on 24" or 26" rims and look hideous. Not those either. I'm talking about custom paint jobs. First, is the Energizer bunny car. It's a Dodge Charger with a black background. All over it is the Energizer Bunny, various batteries, and excessive logos. You'd think that its owner works for Energizer but not true. Second, is my favorite, the Cinnamon Toast Crunch car. It literally looks like a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. This Ford Expedition has everything: Elves, logos, even bar codes. This guy went to the trouble to paint a legitimate bar code on the back of his vehicle. I wish the internet had a picture of this guy's car. It's awesome.
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