Sunday, December 13, 2009

The newest member of my family

Ok, that's a little extreme, but nevertheless, I'm excited. I don't have children now because I'm barely capable of feeding and dressing myself, let alone providing for a human being. Well remember how Guinevere drowned a few weeks ago? Well I found a new car that is suiting me perfectly. I understood that I had a clean slate with which to work. It took me 2 years to find out that I liked Guinevere and I only had 2 weeks to find a new vehicle. I hunted around for awhile and found her in Richmond. Corporate lease car. 8700 miles. $3000 under blue book value. A little more than I wanted to pay, but I have always been taught that it better to buy on value than price. I took her out on a photoshoot the other day and here she is.

I don't know her name yet, so just like we did for Guinevere, I would love to hear your suggestions for naming her. I'm only about a third of the way through the owner's manual, I'm constantly learning new things about her. Lots of buttons and functions, for sure. Next time you and I hang out, ask me for a ride and I will gladly oblige.

It feels nice to be out of the rental car (2010 Hyundai Sonata) and into the new G. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by the Sonata. It has satellite radio, easy-to-use controls, a nice display, decent handling, and a fairly comfy ride. On the downside, the acceleration was poor and I have a feeling that after a long roadtrip the seats would not be pleasant. But good gas mileage and great durability warrant a recommendation from me. You know I could talk about cars all day but I will spare you. If you have car questions, talk to me.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thanksgiving part 2

I feel like I should include a little more Thanksgiving related items on here. I guess a Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without a thorough discussion of what I'm thankful for. I could talk about lots of really obvious and really cheesy things I could talk about, but I'm not going to do that. Besides the family, friends, job, church, etc., I'm thankful for a God who loves me. He loves me despite my comprehensive doubt, fear, insecurity, jealousy, rebeliousness, judgementalism, hypocrisy, idolatry, selfishness, and tendency to treat others like crap. That completely amazes me.

Also over Thanksgiving, I ended my 11 year deer drought. I have finally cured buck fever. Dad and I went hunting Thanksgiving morning, had some great conversation, scared off a turkey, and shot a deer. The best part is I didn't have a heart attack hauling this thing up the hill. I will be taking a hiking trip a few days after Christmas, so jerky all around! One more Thanksgiving story. One of my roomates from college, Steve, got married. Here he is with his wonderful bride, Theresa. It was a great wedding, so many people were there who I don't get to see regularly. It has been a treat to watch 6 of my friends get married this year. I can say with complete confidence and joy that all of these relationships were ordained before time and I can see the Lord's hand in it all.

By the way, I just watched Transformers 2. Totally awesome. A word of advice: don't fall in love with fictional characters. Low chance of success.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Enter cheesey thanksgiving-related title here

Wow it has been quite a month. Settling into my new work environment, watching Guinevere flood and dealing with the aftermath of that, Thanksgiving with the family, I could go on. I've noticed that as I read blogs, I enjoy more frequent, shorter posts than the alternative. Therefore, since there is much to discuss, I will have short entries over the next week. I understand your time is valuable and I'm honored you're spending it learning about my life.

You probably know that I'm a sucker for a pretty sunset so I couldn't resist taking this beautiful picture outside of mom's house. Thanksgiving was pretty sweet. I got to see all my family except my sister, Bron, but I hope I'll get to see her over Christmas. I did the traditional overeating on both Thursday and Friday. I hadn't been home since September, it was great. I think that Thanksgiving, besides Easter, is my favorite holiday. The materialism related to Christmas is obnoxious and something I think detracts from understanding why Christ came to earth. I hung out with my nephew and niece which was totally awesome. The below picture serves three purposes: 1) highlight Connor and I spending time together reading Dr. Seuss 2) Connor and I sounding out words together and 3) We are both working on our reading skills.