Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fast lane

I'm not real sure where April went. I can't believe it's halfway done. This has been an interesting week for sure. Mom was here this past weekend which was great. I always enjoy her coming down to visit. This trip she even got to see me play hockey, which I think is a good thing. My team isn't very good. We lost 7-0, but nowadays we look good when we lose. Our team captain decided we should get matching jerseys and despite their similarity to UVA colors, they look good. I wish our team looked that good actually playing. Back to the past week. Sorry about that. The government views me as non-essential, which might hurt alot of people's feelings. Not mine. I understand that while I'm in training I am of little value at work. I was looking forward to saving you, the taxpayer, a little bit of money and having a few days to myself. I understand that would have been hard for those with a family and those who live paycheck to paycheck, but sleeping in and getting stuff done at home is a fine idea. Well, Uncle Sam got his stuff together and I returned to work on Monday. I even got to do some actual work down on the sub this week. Giving the Navy guys training is required since once trained, that is one of my duties. After training, we performed the procedure that had been trained. Makes sense. My favorite part of the procedure was the fact that a shipyard worker was implemented to read a gage for us, so I had to train him as well. Now training is a fairly formal process and I was under some pressure not to screw up or look like a fool. There was a group of shipyard workers present and I wasn't sure who had been chosen as the gage reader, so I asked. A slightly husky, 55 year old gentleman with an awesome handlebar mustache raises his hand. I say, "Sir, what is your name?" His answer: "Jimbo." So for the rest of this formal meeting I had to address this man as Jimbo. That story reads alot less humorous than it was in my head. Sorry. In other news, the NHL playoffs have begun. I'm sure you know what that means. The playoff beard has sprung, although shouldn't hit full bloom until the end of the first round. I'm glad I work at a place that doesn't require professional looking haircuts. A quick walk around the waterfront reveals handlebar mustaches like Jimbo, mullets (straight, short, long, curly, reflective), ponytails, rattails, etc.

1 comment:

  1. You should really grow a playoff rattail.
