Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Adventures in and out of the 757

I have forgotten something important. I had a great adventure a few weeks ago. I went to a bachelor party for my buddy, Jake. All the groomsmen went to Fayetteville, WV to do some whitewater rafting. Talk about a fun time. We were going to run the Gauley River, but it was too low so we ran the lower New River twice instead. I didn't get dumped out of the raft, felt like I knew what I was doing and had a blast. We stayed in a one-room cabin, told old college stories, ate meat, enjoyed a good beer and caught up on each other's lives. I continually forget how gorgeous the mountains are when I live down here in Tidewater. There were beautiful trees, views that extend for miles, and the smell of the forest. It even rained during our last run, right at the point where everybody gets out of the raft and floats down the river. The rain on my face was refreshing. I couldn't hear anything except for the rain coming down. So rarely in city life am I alone with my thoughts and can only hear one sound. Unfortunately we don't have pictures yet, but this one will have to do.

Another adventure, this time in the 757, happened yesterday. My church helps out one of the local neighborhoods by tutoring some kids during the week. This year I am fortunate enough to be in charge of the Tuesday homework club. We had about 10 kids yesterday, most in elementary school who I got to help with their homework. I developed a respect for elementary teachers who have to balance the needs of many kids simultaneously. I don't multitask well, so it was a good lesson for me. After I was finished, I was leaving when one of the workers at the rec center called out to me,
Mary: "Mr. Scott!"
Scott: "Yes ma'am?"
Mary: "You want to buy some oil?"
Scott (confused, thinking about motor oil): "What kind of oil?"
Mary: "Essence"
Scott (still confused): "Like to make me smell good?"
Mary: "Yeah, your girlfriend will like you more if you buy essence. I have two scents: Usher, and Obama. Let me give you a sample."
Scott (yet even more confused): "Ok" (Obama Essence applied to my left hand) "Does Obama wear this?"
Mary: "Yeah"
Scott: "Will this make me president?"
Mary: "Yeah"
Hindsight being 20/20, my hands still (after a shower and around 30 handwashings) smell like Obama and none of those things I was promised came true. Duped again. I can't wait until next Tuesday for something else ridiculous to happen.

1 comment:

  1. Scott this made me laugh out loud. Just thought you should know that. If it wasn't for the Willard House Blog, I would have never have stumbled across your blog. Now that is something to blog about. It was great seeing all of you at the Dooley's this weekend. Have a great week!

    Erin D
